Certified French Birth certificate Translation in Singapore

French Birth certificate Translation in Singapore is commonly translated documents for ICA Singapore for a work visa, Business Visa, Singapore PR and other Legal Purposes. 

Lyric Technologies Ltd provides Certified French birth certificate translations according to ICA Singapore Requirements in Singapore. Lyric Technologies Pte Ltd has no rejections of any French Certified Translations in Singapore for ICA Singapore and Immigration Purposes till this date.

For all personal documents like Birth Certificates, Marriage and Divorce Certificates, Educational transcripts, you will need to order a Certified Translation for ICA or MoM to accept it. We can also provide Notarized Certified translations for French Birth Certificates, and you can use them for all legal purposes inside Singapore. The cost to Notarize your french birth certificate will be S$75 per page.

Certified French Translation in Singapore will cost S$35 onwards.  For more details, call Lyric Technologies Pte Ltd.

Level 30, Six Battery Rd, Bank of China Building, Singapore 049909. Phone : +65 8921 0272. Email id : sg-support@lyriclabs.com

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