Where Can I Translate My Birth Certificate to English in Singapore?

There are many instances that a birth certificate is translated from a native language to English. For example ( Malay to English), birth certificate translation is requested by a range of organizations for several reasons, including visa issuance, customs, legal departments, work firms, university applications, passport offices, and various other government official uses.

How to Translate a Birth Certificate into English?

Birth certificates must be translated into English by a certified translator or a certified translation agency in Singapore. If you are the application, you can’t be translating the document for yourself. 

An agency used a native translator who has experience in native language and English and is qualified as professional translator.

You can consider the following step.

  • Use certified translation services in Singapore to translate a birth certificate from any language to English. 
  • Identify a certified translator and get the translation done. 

A certified translation agency in Singapore like Lyric Technologies will translate birth certificates, Academic transcripts, marriage records into English.

As an applicant, you can enclose the certified translation and the original, and Singapore authorities will accept the same.

A certified translation of a birth certificate in Singapore will cost S$35 upwards.

For more details, call Lyric Technologies Pte Ltd at +65 8921 0272 or write to sg-support@lyriclabs.com.

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